
Havana Brown Cat Breed Info & Pictures

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Daily Meow | Havana Brown is a beautiful and nice cat with a warm brown coat and a distinctive head shape, it looks beautiful. Despite its name, the breed was developed in England in the 1950s. It was also the first cat type to be named that depicted the color of his mantle.

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The Havana Brown is a medium-sized cat with oval-shaped green eyes, large ears, and a distinctive muzzle in other cats. Most commonly known for its rich, smooth and shiny brown coat, Havana Brown is also equipped with powerful muscles.

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The Havana Brown continues to gain popularity not only because of its color, but because of its pleasant personality. Intelligent and disciplined, he wants human interaction. In fact, it will stay on the side of others, try to participate in whatever they do, and if rejected, it will be lonely and depressed.

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A Blog Shares All About Cat, Cat News, Cat Stories, Cat Breed, Cat Behaviour, Cat Food, Cat Treats, Cat Grooming, Kittens, Lifestyle

Havana likes to touch and nudge with his paws; even likes to play fetch. It is also very adaptable, rarely berserk.

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There are many theories about how this kind of name gets its name, including the theory that it comes from the color of a cigar of Havana. One thing is for sure, however, this brown cat does not come from Cuba. Instead, he was founded with the birth of Elmtower Bronze Idol, a white cat, in 1952. Often known as the ancestors of the modern generation, Elmtower is the result of a breeding program that crosses Siamese, domestic shorthair, and Russian Blues.

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In 1958, further recognition was given to Havana Brown when gaining entry into the Championship competition run by the Fancy Cat Board. Havana Brown was granted full Championship status by the Association of Pioneers of the Cat in 1964, and now has Championship status in all major cat associations, though only called "Havana" at the International Paint Association and Cat Traveler Federation.