German Rex Cat Breed Info & Pictures
Daily Meow | As the name suggests, this cat type originated in Germany, Europe Land. It has a striking resemblance to the popular British Cornish Rex. However, the German Rex is not as popular as the Rex Cornish.
It is a medium-sized cat with long, slender legs and a round face. Though muscular, the German Rex is heavier than the Rex Cornish. The German Rex is also so blessed because it has well-developed cheeks, larged ears, and a cautious eyes. His mustache, meanwhile, has a slight curl and his nose shows a slight break.
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The most prominent feature of the German Rex, however, is its short and smooth coat with short, very short hair. In contrast to Rex Cornish, her hair is thicker than the hair on the bottom layer, which makes the cat look whiter.
This is a friendly and lively cat that will brighten your days in your life. This can work well with everyone, including children and other households. Active and playful, can be taught to play games like fetch. Actually, the German Rex is so smart that it can be taught to perform acrobatic tricks with cues.
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Although active, this type has tremendous patience and is very faithful. When not playing with the owner, he likes to lie down and be tempted.
The short-haired German Rex does not require much care. In addition to regularly checking his ears and eyes for infection, requiring only weekly injections with feathers or a fine comb to smooth his hair.
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Because the German Rex cat lacks enough hair to absorb oil secretions, they are easy to oily and need frequent showers. Wrapping a cat with a towel immediately after a shower will make it easier to dry his hair.
The history of this cat can be traced to Germany in the mid-1940s (some argue in 1946, while others say 1947 or 1948). However, it was not taken seriously by most breeders until 1951, following the invention of the Cornish Rex Cat in 1950.
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According to experts, the first German Rex was a wild wildcat found by a stray cat shortly after the end of World War II. Dr. R. Scheuer-Karpin rescued him after he saw him wandering in the garden of Hufeland Hospital among the ruined wrecked East Berlin, and renamed it Lammchen (Lambkin).
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Lammchen has the same choppy genes that exist in Cornish Rex cats and produces a lot of food over the years. In 1957, she was crossed with one of her children. The first trash of the German Rex kittens appears as a result of this marriage.
As time passes, more the German Rex cats are performing. In 1960, two female Rex cats, Marigold and Jet, embarked on a new adventure as they were transported to the United States. A black man named by Christopher Columbus that followed in their the footsteps. The German Rex laid the foundation of the Rex breed in America.
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Until 1979, the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) just recognized the cats from a combination of the Cornish Rex and Rex Germany. Because they resemble each other, it is natural to breed one will overshadow the other.
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The Rex Cornish continues to attract public attention, while Rex Germany participated in performances in its native land until the 80s. However, fewer German Rex cats exist today.
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