
Cornish Rex Cat Breed Info & Pictures

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Daily Meow | Rex Cornish is a very unusual cat, which looks like a blend of Bastet statues (ancient sun goddesses and ancient wars) and aliens from other planets. Although his appearance, however, has a friendly personality.

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In addition to his striking expressions, Cornish Rex's soft, wavy hairs make this cat stand out from other breeds. Small to medium size with egg-shaped head, long legs, and large ears.

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People who are allergic to cat hair may prefer Rex Cornish because it stores less hair than other cats and is considered "hypoallergenic." In addition, this cat comes in various colors.


The Rex Cornish would not be better than having fun and playing games. It is a loving and caring relationship to establish good relationships with human family and easy to manage. However, this cat is not for busy jet setters, as it tends to be naughty and mischievous when ignored or ignored.

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A Blog Shares All About Cat, Cat News, Cat Stories, Cat Breed, Cat Behaviour, Cat Food, Cat Treats, Cat Grooming, Kittens, Lifestyle

The Cornish is very active at dinner time and may even insist on sharing dinner from the same plate with the owner. Very agile, they will jump on the top of the cabinet or onto the high shelf. They like to pick up stuff and maybe ask to play again and again.

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As the name suggests, it originated in Cornwall, England, in the early 1950s when Serena, a white turtle and white, gave birth to a thousand and five kittens. The garbage contains a male kitten coated with curly, orange and white, which is Nina Ennismore, the owner of Serena, named Kallibunker. Recognizing her short, curly hair and an unusually long and flexible body, she contacted a British geneticist who made sure that the new kitten's fur was a mutation, and had a resemblance to Rex Rabbit's fur. Acting on this expert's advice, Ennismore crossed Kallibunker with his mother.

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Three kittens were born from this union: straight haired hair and two curly hairs. After the second mating, kitten curly kittens are produced. Because this new type seems to resemble Astrex rabbits coated with curly, named Cornish Rex.

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Because the gene pool is small, breeders are forced to cross it with other breeds to preserve genetic diversity. Siam, Havana Browns, American Shorthair, and domestic shorthair are among the breeds used. This results in a variety of colors and patterns that until now have not seen.

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Finally, the Cat Fanciers' Association has accepted the Cornish Rex for Championship Status in 1964.