
Colorpoint Shorthair Cat Breed Info & Pictures

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Daily Meow | Shorthair Colorpoint is one of the cousins of Siam and the first cat, and is distinguished by their 16 different "dot" colors beyond the four Siamese colors. Rarely quiet, they like to entertain and entertain.

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The Colorpoint cat looks very much like Siamese so they can be considered twins. It has an elegant and medium-sized body with a long, tight line of narrowing. It also has almond-shaped eyes, slender legs, and a tapered tail. Unlike Siam, however, can be found in a variety of colors, including reds, creams, turtles, and mixtures.

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Life is never boring when there is a Colorpoint Shorthair around. Like his the cousin cat, the Siamese cat, this is a born extrovert: make friends easily, chat constantly, and shower his owner with love. Colorpoint is also very sensitive to mood. If someone is moved to cry while watching a tragic movie, this cat will try to make them comfortable.

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Although generally healthy, this type is susceptible to several health conditions such as protrusion of the skull's sternum and endocard fibroelastosis.


The Colorpoint cat is often confused with the better known Siamese. In fact, some people believe that Colorpoint Shorthair is nothing more than a Siamese hybrid.

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Its origins began in 1940, when the cat breeders made a concerted effort to create a cat that could boast the Siamese cat characteristics but would be present in a variety of colors other than the traditional four.

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To achieve its goal, breeders use foundation crossings between tthe Siamese, Abyssinian, and red domestic Shorthair (American Shorthair is also used). After years of struggling and countless failures, successful breeding programs. This type is re-crossed with Siamese people to maintain the style and personality of his body.

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To quell protests from Siamese breeders, the cat breeders finally agreed to give this cat a new name, Colorpoint Shorthair. This species now has very few non-Siam genes, as many generations have passed, though technically still a hybrid.

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The Cat Fanciers’ Association granted the status of the breed Championship in 1964. Currently, all major associations have followed suit, although most use the Siamese standard to identify Shorthair Colorpoints.