
California Spangled Cat Breed Info & Pictures

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Daily Meow | The Spangled cats were bred in the 1980s resembling stray cats like ocelot and leopard. Although initially expensive because of its scarcity, this species has since been overshadowed by Ocicat and Bengal.


At first sight this cat looks like a mini version of a leopard. Actually, the California Spangled Cat's cylindrical body helps move like a wandering hunter. Often in the form of blocks, these leopard-like spots stand out as they contrast with the background color of the mantle.

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The California Spangled Cat is energetic, active, and, although sports look wild, easily tamed. Loving and intelligent, he will restore the owner's love in full, even though it will also succeed in getting his way.

As a born as the professional athlete, The California Spangled Cat is capable of high acrobatic jumps. Therefore, it would be wise to keep fragile valuables safely stored. This cat is also fascinated by moving objects and love to hunt.

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Paul Casey, a physicist and screenwriter from Los Angeles, is credited with launching its kind. Determined to create a cat with the wild gaze, Casey draws his inspiration of a cat with a glamorous coat (like a leopard or cheetah) from a conversation with the late anthropologist Dr. Louis Leakey.

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While he worked at Olduvai excavations in Africa in 1971, Casey was surprised to learn that one of the last leopards in the area has been the victim of a wild hunter. Casey and Leakey put forward the idea that if people have a domestic cat that resembles a mini-leopard they will show a greater tendency to preserve the wild animal.

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Casey has ran his mission scientifically, and it was in the early 1970s made an 11-generation blueprint, starting with Traditional Chinese Siam (also called Old Style or Applehead) and long-haired silver haired look. The result of this union is a silver man with block-shaped spots. Casey then added the British Shorthair, Shorthair America, saw-chocolate tabby Manx, and Abyssinian to create the core lineage. Each type of plant is introduced as planned, and the mating results are recorded on the computer. In the final generation, Malay and Egyptian street cats are added to achieve wild appearance.

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A Blog Shares All About Cat, Cat News, Cat Stories, Cat Breed, Cat Behaviour, Cat Food, Cat Treats, Cat Grooming, Kittens, Lifestyle

By 1985, Casey achieved the desired appearance, which was immediately praised by a small group of cat lureers. Casey will eventually form the California Spangled Cat Association (CSCA), which aims to take action to protect all endangered wild cats and also to promote the Spangled Cat. In 1986, Casey introduced the Spangled Cat to the public through an advertising of campaign with Christmas catalog Neiman Marcus, where he sold it for $ 1,400. However, protests from animal activists will occur because the catalog also features foxes, beavers, and a benign mantle.

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Despite the public relationship controversy, the new cat was becoming a hot commodity, especially as demand far outstrips supply. Media outlets look for opportunities to interview prospective owners. This newfound publicity helped Casey spread the message about conservation, but his stock was running out.

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Although breeders around the world are working hard to make California's Spangled Cats more popular, there are only about 200 cats as there are today. It also proves more successful abroad than in its home country.

The type gradually progresses toward the achievement of the Status of Championships of the International Paint Association (TICA) and the American Cat Association (ACA) - has been accepted for New Breed and Color status.

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The breed now has two International Grand Champions in Europe. And in 1994, Grand Champion Spangled named Lassik won Best of Show in the summer competition in Paris.