
Bengal Cat Breed Info & Pictures

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Daily Meow | The Bengal cat is a long, muscular, medium-to-large cats, with heads and wide snouts, high cheekbones, and bearded bearing spokes. Eyes round and wide, with dark markings around the eyes (mascara) and small and rounded ears at the ends. The gift of a forest cat is considered as one of the positive characteristics, along with the ability to move still and still. The back legs are slightly longer than the front legs, making the back end slightly higher than the shoulders, and emphasizing the appearance of Bengal's wild cats. Bengal's muscular massacre, athletics is one of the most decisive features; it's never smooth

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The Bengal stands out among the cats for its heavy, dense, very soft coat. Leopard-like spots in the cage of Bengal beasts can be random, horizontally aligned with roses that form a semi-circle, or in marble patterns. Preferred colors are black or brown, and black or brown marble, but breeders have also engineered Bengals that look snow (white), and rocky snow. The spots should contrast with the background color.

Bengals often have properties called glittering, which make the mantle appear to have been sprinkled with gold or pearls. While this nature enhances Bengal's natural beauty, and is favored by some, it does not get any special preference in the show ring.


Because of its wild lineage, Bengal is often considered difficult to handle, but the opposite is true. Breeders insist that Bengal can be easily tamed and have a loving personality, though not a lap cat. However, he enjoys human company, and will often stay close to his family members. Bengal Cats proliferate mainly to enjoy the children, because of its energetic nature make it very fond of the game.

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One of the traits that Bengal cat homes have from their wild ancestors is the hunting instinct - not only for small land animals, but also for water-dwelling creatures. Asian leopards have honed their ability to fish in the wild, and your domestic Bengal might bring this trait well in a more pleasant form, swim by your side, take a bath or shower, or just play in the sink.

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A cat with high energy, you definitely want to give Bengal a lot of play time, and remember that most cats with high energy levels like to jump to high locations. You want to keep objects that can be damaged from danger and out of the open shelves; In fact, and probably especially, the highest shelf.


The Bengal cat breed is singular in a luxurious cat as the only successful wild cat couple with a domestic cat. There is some anecdotal evidence that Asian leopard cat pairs with domestic cats had been tried before the 1960s, but the origins of the origin of Bengal flourished in the 1970s, when amateur rancher Jean Sudgen, from California, became the recipient of a group of cats which have been bred for use in genetic testing. Dr. Willard Centerwall of Loyola University has been testing the Asian Leopard for their partial immunity against cat leukemia, and began to incorporate it with domestic cats for possible genetic viability in immunization development.

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Instead of destroying the cat after the program is over, Dr. Centerwall looked for a suitable home for his cat. Because Ms. Sudgen has a genuine interest in cultivating Asian leopard hybrids, choosing not to take all the cats, but instead focusing on the cats that show the tendency of domestic temperament along with the desired pattern of spotting.

For a while, Ms. Sudgen has started her first experiment in cat hybridization while studying genetics at UC Davis in the 1940s. When given the opportunity to work with the Asian Centerwall Asia leopard and their hybrids, he understood it enthusiastically, and though Dr. Centerwall fully supports Ms business. Sudgen, the same can not be said for the cool community of cats.

Most breeders are firmly fighting pruning of wild cats with pets, and to this day, the Cat Artist Association continues to refuse enrollment to Bengal because of its wild lineage, although many other associations include Bengal breeds since the 1980s, including The International Paint Association

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Ms. Sudgen, who has by now remarried and taken Mill's name, has warned her offspring will be sterile, and proved true for a married man, but she is luckier with the woman. hybrid. Before she can fully immerse herself in her new breeding program, however, Ms. Mill needs a cat that is suitable to be crossed with Asian leopard hybrids.

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Feeling that either pure Mau, Burmese or Abyssinian breeds were genetically strong enough, he opened the web wider, and in 1982 his patience paid off when a New Delhi Zoo curator, in India, pointed him to a leopard of a street cat who lived alone in exhibit rhinos at the zoo. Although the cat is wild, it proves to be a very good partner for his hybrid woman, and in a few years. Mill has been successful, although still young, the breeding program is well under way.

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The first three generations, from the original pair of Asian leopard hybrids to the country, to the birth of the fourth generation, are considered "basic" cats (technically generated generation F1, F2, F3, F4 ... .. etc.). While F1-F3 this is considered by their breeders to be safe and suitable as pets, they are not allowed to enter the competition.

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They are just the foundation on which a healthy "healthy" Bengal is built. In the fourth generation, only Bengal to Bengal pair are allowed, and the cat is then considered a pure type. Asian leopard is typically a closed, solitary, and wildly covered hunter omnivore that needs to be raised so that the end result is a cat house companion and people.

The early generations of Bengal cats were extinguished by cats who faced the challenge of raising a cat that was not fully socialized, but by breeding earnestly, after Bengal had reached the fourth stage, its development exceeded expectations in hospitality, compassion and humility, and had received many show awards.

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However, the aversion to breeding persists in some quarters. As the originator of the breed Jean Mill has said about his beloved cat, "There are other cats that can bite the judge and the reason is made ... but if the Bengalites bite they claim it is wild blood, our Bengals must be the sweetest cat in the cat show."