
American Wirehair Cat Breed Info & Pictures

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Daily Meow | The American Wirehair is medium to large, with a large round body, bright round eyes and tilted upward in the outer corners. Found in various colors and have similar standards - abstract aesthetic ideal for animal species - such as American Shorthair.

Mutations that cause wiry hair to occur naturally, but should be recommended because it is an incomplete dominant gene. (That is, even when breeding two cats with skinny hair, not all kittens will be born with the same hair.) The character of this gene is actually a mutation and not a defect.

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The American Wirehair coat is clearly the most important characteristic of this type. It's tight, rough, tough and supple, but often soft to the touch. With some comparisons, Wirehair's hair is like a sheep's wool.

Individual hair is hooked at the end, and is entirely wrinkled or curly, sometimes forming a tight ring finger. The appearance of hair can be sharp or curly, and it is important that the hairs on the ears and mustaches follow this form as well.

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Because this species is specifically cultured to have short, dense hair, long-haired coats are not recommended. But, for the cat fancier who does not plan on owning this cat for performances or breeding, long-haired Wirehair can be an excellent choice. It was a sight to see a cat with thick hair wrinkled and curly.

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The American Wirehair is a cat that is oriented to the whole person. It binds with all family members, and is known to be sensitive to people's moods and will stay close, even follow family members around the house or be near them.

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The owner reports that Wirehair is a cat that is easy to live and cared for, in a gentle and affectionate way, and a small, inconspicuous voice and attitude. It's funny and funny, enjoy the attention. Wirehair is also a perfect cat for those who have other pets, including dogs, or those who are frequent visitors.


The Wirehair does not have an inherent genetic problem. By breeding with caution, strong and strong hybrids appear to the fore, making Wirehair resistant to disease, and one of the healthiest and easiest to care for domestic cats. However, there are detailed treatments to be taken care of. Because of the hair in the ears are rough and curly, the ear may have a buildup of wax, although regular cleaning should prevent blockage problems in the ear canal.

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Some Wirehairs also have oily skin. But instead of brushing it, many breeders suggest gently bathing cats with light shampoo. It avoids hair damage. When drying the hair, it is best to use a soft towel or air drying; It is important that the hair is not brushed or combed when wet. Always ask your cat breeder the best method to take care of your Wirehair, as it is not all the same, and some hair properties can be brought from parents.

Some breeders have reported that their wirehairs have hair and skin problems related to stress or weather changes, and that the hardest coat is most sensitive and vulnerable to damage.


The first American Wirehair born in Verona, NY in a warehouse at Council Rock Farm. It was the spring of 1966, and Nathan Mosher, the ranch master, knew he had a unique cat. So when Joan O'Shea's cat-breeder visited the cat her friend called her - a cat similar to Rex who grew up - Mosher did not give the cay away.

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O'Shea was drawn to the cat's red and white coat with round, circular hair, including his mustache. It's not like a cat he's never seen before. After giving the impression to Mosher the importance of allowing this new breed to be properly mated and costing $ 50, O'Shea left with his prize, the right Adam Hi Hi's Rock Farm Board.

The kitten is the same kind. The garbage of a kitten that Adam had born had been attacked and killed by a weasel. Being the only survivor, O'Shea was left with a difficult situation: How to connect with Adam?

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Her dilemma was solved when a queen cat who romance wanders one day. Reportedly, the cat belonged to a neighbor, who had gone on vacation, leaving the cat to take care of their child, who then neglected to let the calico cat leave the house. Two months later, O'Shea gets a call from his neighbor, who has found themselves with a small flock of kittens, some of whom have a remarkable resemblance to the landmark cat O'Shea.

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Two kittens had a clear braces gene that Adam had been born, and O'Shea bought both of them from his neighbor. This is the beginning of a new family line. Due to wanting to do it right, O'Shea enlisted the help of Rex breeders, Bill and Madeline Beck, who brought Amy and started a breeding program.

Amy then gave birth to a number of white-headed kittens, and thus strengthened Wirehair as the third-born American descendant in time (The American Shorthair and Maine Coon cat were the other two American cats at the time). In fact, it is the standard for American Shorthair that plays a major role in shaping the standards for Wirehair. Ash is, and still is, the only acceptable one to develop for Wirehair.

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In 1967 the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) granted registration rights to Wirehair America as a separate type, and in 1978 the CFA received Wirehair for the championship competition. Although Wirehair has not earned the Best Cats CFA, they can consistently achieve the best position in the top 25 cats. Wirehair came closest in 2002 and '03, when Brillocatz Curley Sue won third place Best Kitten, and in 2006 to 2007 with Cameroncats Christina from Kaw in second place Best Cat.