
American Shorthair Cat Breed Info & Pictures

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Daily Meow | The American Shorthair is a muscular cat with a sweet disposition. Medium to large size, it is a cat that works in every way, showing balance and endurance. The most striking color for the American Shorthair coat is a sterling silver mantle with black markings. It is one of the most popular colors, but there are more than 60 colors available for Shorthair.


This type has created a name for itself with a calm voice and customizable properties. Unlike many cats, there is no need to get attention and not be too demonstrative or too quiet. American Shorthair cat is ideal for people who want a cat to sit quietly in the lap, and not too much pounce or skitter playing around the house. It's also easy to train, family-specific, and get along with kids, dogs and other pets at home.

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A Blog Shares All About Cat, Cat News, Cat Stories, Cat Breed, Cat Behaviour, Cat Food, Cat Treats, Cat Grooming, Kittens, Lifestyle


The American Shorthair does not require extensive maintenance. This is one of the healthiest cats around, needing a bit more than a balanced diet, vaccination, and an annual checkup. Occasional care is an option, but not a requirement. And though very energetic, Shorthair prefers deliberate movement rather than rush to running, just takes practice in the form of light games.


Keeping in mind that Shorthair comes from cats working with farms, and adding that care has been given to strengthening the gene pool by attentive breeders, it's easy to understand why this is considered one of the healthiest types of cats. The average age for American Shorthair is between 15 and 20 years.


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The history of Shorthair America goes over 300 years, beginning with a journey across the Atlantic Ocean from England until his subsequent arrival in what will become the United States. American Shorthair is a true and definite blooded cat, and has earned a reputation as a hard worker.

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The Shorthair's root begins in England. As an ordinary house cat in England, Shorthair is famous for his work skills, especially for rodent control. For this reason, Shorthair is usually taken on a journey to the sea. And so it is, that from 1621 to 1639, when dissidents prepared for their traitor trip from England, they were among their loyal friends of their cat, to keep their food safe from mice, and to eliminate disease-carrying mice.

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It is important to remember that in the 1620s, Europeans - including Britain - had become accustomed to the frequent plague of Black Plague. When the first Mayflower crossed into a new world in 1621, it was only 18 years since the pandemic had killed 18,000 Londoners.

In the early decades of the Epidemic, cats were often blamed for the spread of the disease, and were destroyed in the process. Without cats, the rat population exploded and caused an increased transmission of the Epidemic. But in the 1600s, humans have made a precise connection between the Plague and the rodents, the possible carriers of the disease. Shorthair UK regained its well-regarded position, and today remains a common fixture of British homes.

A Blog Shares All About Cat, Cat News, Cat Stories, Cat Breed, Cat Behaviour, Cat Food, Cat Treats, Cat Grooming, Kittens, Lifestyle

Their descendants - what will become the American Shorthairs - evolved to adjust to the new world conditions, maintaining their status as reliable and efficient agricultural workers.

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A number of factors have shaped the shape and personality of American Shorthair, the most important environmental and removal elements, both naturally and through human design. The ability to adapt the environment is essential to survival, and nature chooses species that survive the harsh winters and hot summers, work long hours on the farm without repetition, and settle peacefully at the end of the day as a member of the house. Shorthair matures and improves into a powerful, powerful, easy going cat that we find today.

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In 1906, the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) incorporated American Shorthair in its first registry, among five other cats. Breeders struggle to maintain the distinction between American Shorthairs with caution and the average street cat, as physical outwardity suggests a relationship.

In 1965, the American Shorthair received the highest award when one of its members, a silver-coated cat-shell named Shawnee Trademark, was declared CFA's Best Cat of the Year (COTY). Since then, two other Shorthair Americans have been awarded COTY: Hedgewood's Largest American Hero (Mr. H. to his friends) in 1984, and Sol-Mer Sharif in 1996.

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The American Shorthair has come a long way, from humble beginnings to the upper echelons of the cat community. All worth for this charming and faithful cat.