
American Curl Cat Breed Info & Pictures

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Daily Meow | These cats generally have a proportionate and slim structure. The coat is soft, smooth, and light, with no bottom layer. Because it crosses - inserts unrelated genetic material into breeding paths - with other breeds, Curls can be found in various colors, and in short and long-haired varieties. The ears are large enough with broad, open base; They also curled up on the tip (tip). Ideally, the ears should not be curled so far that they can touch the skull. But it should, instead, curl back and face each other about 90 degrees, shaped like a crescent moon..

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Initially, a Curl cat looks similar to other kittens, though with large and open ears. Within a week their ears will curl back, curved and shrunk during the course until the cat reaches the age of four months. Their curl will then become permanent and permanent.

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For this reason, the Curl American kitten should only be purchased after the age of four months. However, the shape of the ear does not affect the cat's great personality and is simply bred into it for exhibition purposes.


This is a good cat and dear. Easily adaptable and even angry, Curl will rarely bother you or harass you for attention, even though he enjoys a perch on his shoulders and displays his love by patting and slapping his owner's face.

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The Curl is known for greeting a friend with a soft bump on the head, and for helping out in the kitchen. They are also known to get along well in families with children. Of course smart and curious, Curl often spends a lot of time to explore the environment or playing games.


The American Curl is considered good for health, hardiness and adaptability. In the absence of genetic defects or physical disease tendencies, rarely sick. Kittens also has a strong immune system and responds well to immunization injections.

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While one might conclude that the curved ears are flawed, this is actually a mutation - the departure from normal natural characteristics. The ear is an aesthetic characteristic of this type, consisting of cartilage that is tight to the tip of the ear. It also does not affect the hearing of cats.


This cat has an easy time climbing the ladder to success. Within ten years of its existence, Curl has managed to win the hearts of American cat lovers and judges.

A Blog Shares All About Cat, Cat News, Cat Stories, Cat Breed, Cat Behaviour, Cat Food, Cat Treats, Cat Grooming, Kittens, Lifestyle

This type of birthday fell in June 1981, when two unknown kittens breed or origin come to the doorstep of Grace Ruga from Lakewood, California. Grace's concern was greatly feared by the curious cat cowering in the ear and deciding to encourage their stay. The two kittens will arrive to eat every day and then leave at night.

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Based on their fur marks, Grace baptized the kittens of Panda and Shulamith, the latter being a biblical name which he understood to mean "black and funny." The kittens were inseparable, until suddenly a strong wind blew the door on the Panda. Panda suffered a fatal head injury, but Shulamith moved to Ruga's home for good, gladly completing and transferring his devotion to his new human family.

Shulamith's kittens will then produce a kitten with the same ear characteristics, giving one of the first women, Mercedes, to Grace's sister, Esther Brimlow of Orange, California. Mercedes soon gave birth to her own litter, and she and her children returned to the attention of Nancy Kiester, an older butcher and meat-eater. Kiester was very enthusiastic about Curls, that he was trying to build his kind, which began when the Mercedes kittens gave birth to a woman and a man, each named Princess Leah and Guru Luke.

A Blog Shares All About Cat, Cat News, Cat Stories, Cat Breed, Cat Behaviour, Cat Food, Cat Treats, Cat Grooming, Kittens, Lifestyle

Later, Nancy contacted Grace and formed a partnership, showing off Shulamith and the kittens at a California cat show in 1983. Responses from the cat community were fully received by this charming cat family. Nancy and Grace collaborate with breeders and judges, Jean Grimm, who manages to grow a Scottish scarf (or Folds), and that ensures that this is a completely different kind. With his help, names and standards were created, and so was the birth of the American Curl.

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In 1987, The American Curl was accepted for registration by The International Cat Association (TICA), and later that year Curl was awarded the status of the championship by TICA. More success is to come. In 1986 the Cat Fancier's Association (CFA) gave Curl's temporary status, and in 1993 Curl advanced to the CFA championship class.

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American Curl is recognized by all major cat associations and has been sought all over the world for its physical and personality traits. As a new species with relatively small gene pools, the genetic diversity to breed has led the Curl breeders to reach out to each other in an attempt to forge Curl's lineage to Curl. While breeding outcrosses will be allowed to continue through 2010, this aggregate breeder is likely to produce consistent quality curls before cut-off date.